
Get help healing your postpartum abs!

Mastering Mom's Health & Wellness

with Dr. Bridget Neuendorf, Doctor of Physical Therapy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

Get The Ebook

Whole Body Postpartum Healing and Transformation

Includes a 6-week Physical Therapy exercise prescription for healing diastasis recti and pelvic floor dysfunction.

Hi there!

I’m Bridget Neuendorf

I help mom’s strengthen and heal their cores and improve pelvic health, so they can live life confidently, while getting back to the things they love.

I want to guide you as you return to life after pregnancy and feel confident in your body again by sharing my knowledge and experience and save you time, money, and effort to avoid problems later on.  Guiding moms in healing diastasis recti and pelvic floor dysfunction is my favorite thing to do.

All moms should perform postpartum rehab. Let’s do this together!


Get 2 Weeks of Diastasis Recti Safe Exercises!


    Schedule a chat with Bridget!

    Thanks for visiting! My online information, emails and products are a resource guide for educational and informational purposes only. They are for people looking for more information, not a substitute for working with a licensed medical professional. By viewing this website you acknowledge that I cannot guarantee any particular results, nor am I supplying medical advice. You follow any information or recommendations on this website, emails or affiliate sites at your own risk. If you need medical advice, please seek it immediately from a qualified medical professional. Your use of this site and the resources are subject to our terms and conditions.